Tuesday, 13 December 2016

2017 Resolution


I am aiming for $26k dividend which if nothing goes wrong with the stocks I own, i should be pretty comfortable to achieve this target in 2017. In 2017, I will try to get ready to achieve my 2018 target which $28k target.

$26K will give me and my family enough income for the basic necessity needs which I consider as my 1st step achievement toward my financial freedom journey. There are few more steps to go however I will be need to slow down as I intend to diversify my investment to the real brick and mortal property and my war chest is getting smaller :D

SRS Account

I just opened and contributed $15K to the SRS account which I will used to invest into the stock in year 2017. By doing this I will earn "advance" interest from the tax saving which I can put back to the equity to work harder, the draw back is the money will be lock for a long time.

I will continue to do the contribution whenever my financial allow me to do so to save some of taxes.

Better Person

After watching and reading few of those successful people interview, their wisdom definitely have a positive impact for me to try to be a better person as a son, husband, father, colleagues and look thing more on the positive lens.

Those successful people really are people with positive mindset, love to watch more and absorb such wisdom.


Keep looking for opportunity where I can generate the 3rd stream income, let me know if you have one to offer to me !


  1. All the best to your goals in 2017. You can slow down and think in terms of yield potential and not as what you received now.

  2. Hi Kyith,

    Thanks, actually whenever i buy into the stock i always give the discount to the dividend itself. I tried to be more on the conservative side instead assuming the current dividend yield.

    Do you have any rationale on "slow down" seem like you are hinting something :D

    My worry in 2017 is thing might be more volatile and hopefully can buy in dip below what I already bought.

  3. hi VL, when i say slow down i meant not being forced just to get yield. arbitary, if you can generate cash flow yield of 6-10% but no dividend for a while its good enough. just so that you know you are deploying capital to not too expensive stuff (subjective)

    2017 there is a lot of supply all over with some tough real world challenges. it will be volatile. but its more of a test of whether managers are worth their salt.

    1. Hi Kyith,

      Thanks for your input, appreciate it.


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