Saturday, 28 December 2019

Dec 19 Portfolio update and Achieved 2019 Target of $31,000

For year 2019 I have achieved my target set here , dividend + realised gain is around $45,000.

Since my last post,
I had reduced my holding in FLT to lock some profit, disposed Fortune REIT, FCOT, MNACT and IREIT. From those capital I channeled into  CRCT, EC World, AREIT, KORE, Manulife, AIMS Reit and Landlease.

Following is my current portfolio based on market value percentage

First REIT38.38%
AIMS Reit10.08%
EC World5.40%
Apac Reality1.18%
IReit Global1.07%

My current portfolio currently only yield around $29,000 in dividend and I intend to set next year target to have gain of $33,000 to $34,000 as per my plan toward for my passive income to cover my basic expenses in 5 years time. This will required at least $80,000 to $90,000 cash injection by aiming stock with 6% yield. I need to see if there is any opportunity to add to my current holding to increase my passive income from dividend. I am intending to add Bank and other non-reit dividend stock into my portfolio.

For my brick and mortar investment i have fully paid the loan and for my new venture, the 1st ship will be ready in Jan to start operation and any profit from it will be channel to the 2nd ship.

With this all set in place, hopefully i will have more war chest to start to build my dividend portfolio again.

Happy New Year 2020 for everyone and hope moving ahead be better year for everyone ^_^.


  1. Congrats on your achievements!

    Can i know how much is your total portfolio value?

    And regarding your new venture, is it related to shipment? (As you mentioned about 1st ship?)

    Hope to hear and learn more from you.

    Thank you...

    1. Hi Rtann,

      Market Value is around $410k, this year gain is boost by some of my divestment and it is one time gain.

      For the new venture, it is not about shipment. I just a passive investor, I let my partner run it.

  2. Hi An Ordinary,

    Wow! Such an awesome performance!

    How much cash did you inject into the portfolio in 2019?

    1. Hi Unknown,

      I just re-invest around $12k of my dividend.


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